Roofing ceremony

Roofing ceremony

Roofing ceremony

Today is an exciting day at Dressler Automation. While our building is not yet complete, work has been proceeding steadily—and it’s time for a major milestone. After months of construction, the building frame is complete, the walls are up, and it’s almost time to begin the roofing process. Of course, we’re taking the opportunity to celebrate this with a traditional German ceremony called ‘Richtfest’.

Richtfest, best translated as ‘topping out ceremony,’ is a European practice that goes back many years. Historically, it was a celebration of a successful construction project and a show of respect to the workers involved. Nowadays the tradition remains, and provides a great opportunity to kick back, relax, and anticipate the completion of a construction project.

During the Richtfest, a large wreath or shrub called a ‘Richtkranz’ is decorated with ribbons and hung over the rafters. After speeches and blessings from the owner and contractor, everyone enjoys a shot of schnaps and traditional foods under the rafters of the building-to-be. The ceremony is complete with the hammering of the final nail.

As a German-American company, we couldn’t miss having a Richtfest at the site of our new office and training center in Chattanooga. When complete, the building will feature a rooftop terrace, storage building, and a solar array powering a flexible open-office layout—all major upgrades from our current space.

While the grilled sausages and speeches from company officials were nice, we’re all most excited about the building being on its way to completion. When the roof is on and move-in is complete, our employees will enjoy a bright, comfortable office space. The entire Dressler Automation team is fully committed to our system integration and commissioning work, and the new campus will provide a venue fitting their hard work.


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