Certified in Daimler IW5-IW6 Commissioning

The field of industrial automation is constantly changing. As experienced commissioners and system integrators, we at Dressler Automation know how important it is to stay aware of new standards and specifications. It’s how we know we’re providing the best services possible to our clients and partners.

This September, Dressler Automation employees attended a training course aimed at acquiring skills in Daimler IW5/IW6 commissioning for KUKA KR C4 industrial robots. Building on our existing knowledge and experience with KUKA machines, the program covered Daimler’s new standards for WorkVisual configuration, Daimler group programming guidelines, and an overview of commissioning standards in several specific technology packages.

After completing the training course and receiving their certifications, our technicians are returning to work ready to make use of their new skills. Maintaining customer-specific standards has been our top priority since 1970, and new certifications are just one way we show our dedication to quality engineering. Looking for qualified, professional help with commissioning or system integration? Get in touch today and see what Dressler Automation can do for you.